Line Up:
Andriy On Vocal
Petro On Guitar
Dima On Bass
Oleh On Drums

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions, the interview 193 of the Aristocracy.This time, we talked with a Ukrainian band that works hard and hard, but that works with many vissitudes and powerful attitudes.Mainly, because their fury is all dedicated to punk together with Screamo. But, be sure that this is worked and focused to make it as intricate as possible. We can say that the objective was achieved, because that's what we see in this work.The Ukrainians in question go by Elephants Opinions and this is their third album entitled Another Side Of Youth. Let's go to one of their songs to make this amazing and unprecedented interview happen. First, we want to thank Petro for answering our humble but important questions and for the his work with the band over these years despite the difficulties not only with the band, but in his country as a whole.
A1:Talking about the composition work in Another Side of Youth?
Petro:Almost all of that songs were made the same way guitar or bass started to play melody, than drums were made and finally the vocals.
A2:They always say that elephants never forget,now we have a band that has this funny and funny name.So,we may ask that if elephants never forget,would they never be competed if they had man’s intelligence?
Petro:Guess elephant’s world with human intelligence would be a very difficult place to live in, because it’s hard to not to forget, even if it was something bad that you have to forget and live your life further or something good that already have ended and you have to forget this to avoid a depression.
A3:I’m a person who believes in reincarnation. When I hear the last song on the album,it’s impossible not to think that I’m between these two worlds.Is this the direction you’re looking for or does it have nothing to do with what the band is looking for in this song?
Petro:That idea about middle world follows the band since the creation of second album. Almost all songs in this third album are about some mystical life between two worlds of life and death, about souls that are lost in something middle,that are no more alive but still are not dead.This song is especially about that.
A4:Is it correct to say that the second song on the album reads very optimistically?
Petro:It’s like a message for everyone that the end is not always the end at all.Always will be future, bright future, even after death.
A5:It may seem simple or even unfair, but in the fifth song is there any relationship with the so-called spiral of silence?
Petro:Not exactly.It’s more about some mystical silence that takes our souls to the road to the new world.
A6:How band arrive to Shpytal Records?
Petro:Shpytal Records is the studio of our friend, it’s located in Ternopil, Ukraine.It’s our hometown so we decided not to go far and recorded all the songs there.
A7:Of course, for you, they must be wonderful people. But Brazilians don’t know them.So let’s tell us why you are grateful to Mr Oleh Perehuda and Mr Max Kotovskiy?
Petro:These guys were drummer and guitarist of the band, we started to create some songs with them but then they left a band and we finished all the work without them.So we wanted to thank them putting their names on that record.
A8:You must have already answered that. But, for Brazil, this is unprecedented.So here it goes:Within the band’s style blender,is Pink Floyd one of those ingredients?
Petro:I listened to Pink Floyd listened a lot to Pink Floyd some time ago. Maybe because of that you can hear some influence.
A9:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Petro:We decided to take a photo as an album cover,so we were looking at a millions of photos and tried to choose one that will fit the best for music.When we saw that dead butterfly we decided that was exactly what we were looking for.
A10:Some Literature or films inspire the band?
Petro:I was reading George Orwell, Philip K. Dick and Kurt Vonnegut a lot during the creation of that album.
A11:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Elephant Opinions song?
Petro:Any kind of discrimination or prejudice has no place in our songs.
A12:How is Elephant Opinions different from your previous bands?
Petro:We play since 2008,it’s already 13 years so we don’t remember our previous bands as well.During that time we played in other bands, that were mostly screamo, punk or hardcore bands.
A13:The band feel differences between Awakening Will Be A Journey and now in Another Side of Youth?
Petro:Another Side Of Youth sounds for us more melodic than Awakening Will Be A Journey, like the sounds of first and second albums were mixed.I think the sound of ASOF is the sound I always was looking for.So I’d like to make new songs like these from the Another Side Of Youth.
A14:Why the band have this name?
Petro:It was the first name we came up with so we choose it.
A15:Before Music,what band loves to doing?
Petro:We like to read books,watch movies and for sure we go to work.
A16:How was the split job with Oh Deer and Eora?
Petro:We had recorded Kingly Halls for another split but the we lost contact with a band we wanted to release it.Then guys from Eora contacted us and we gave that unreleased song for a split. Very same story was with a split with Oh, Deer,we recorded songs for split with another band but they stopped playing during the record and never finished that works.So we had already done songs when oh,deer texted us.
A17:This album is conceptual?
Petro:Yes, it is, all the songs has one idea and for us it sounds like one story.