Line Up:
Luca Frazzoni On Guitar And Vocals
Andrea Zanetti On Bass And Vocals
Dario Casabona On Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions, the interview 199 of the Aristocracy.This time, we spoke with a band that shows a lot of depth with the art of darkness and our souls.All of this, in a very distorted way and giving birth to various evil and cruel stage creatures.Its sound is as dense as possible, we are talking about a very intense Sludge and executed in a strong way and without compassion for your ears.We're talking about the Italian band Griefbringer and this is their debut album titled The Horrible Wilting. We want to thank them very much for their work and for answering our humble but important questions. Let's go to one of their songs to get this interview started!
A1:Talking about the composition work in The Horrible Wilting?
Griefbringer:Let's say we assembled a lot of stuff that was gathering dust in our pockets,we gave it a new life with new parts and new arrangements. The melody flowed; the wall thickened. For example, Ghosts of the Desert and Obeying the Owl were done by Fraz in 2009 and some of the riffs in The Creeper were composed by Andrew in mid-2000. This and the rest is all 100% Griefbringer.
A2:Which deities does the band address on this album and how is it worked?
Griefbringer:We have only a deity that we asked help to do a good job in this album: ourselves. and all the darker thoughts about life and death that we had, this was, and this will forever be.
A3:What do you disfigure in the second song?
Griefbringer:A toxic relationship that left the person in torment and abandoned, his soul is crushed and his will rotten: he’s losing his battle with life, but he’s desperately attached to her
A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Griefbringer:Something from Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal, a lot from our disturbed dreams but probably all the literature we read in the past has influenced us, probably even in an involuntary matter but, as is said, the past always return.
A5:How does the band work these distorted walls?
Griefbringer:It’s very natural: we always want to create something very strong and sonically heavy, so we experiment a lot with effects and distortion.Andrew uses a Sonic Minotaur Terror that is a great effect pedal, Fraz uses low strings and valves.
A6:Why the band have this name?
Griefbringer:We needed something that could express a part of our music. we think this name fits perfectly.
A7:How can the human soul inspire the band?
Griefbringer:The human feelings are strictly connected to something that we can call “soul” so any kind of feeling, negative or positive, can inspire our songwriting
A8:Who are these ghosts treated in the fourth song?
Griefbringer:Ghosts of the Desert is inspired by the movie It Came From Outer Space (1953):
“After you've been working out on the desert, fifteen years, like I have, you hear a lot of things.See a lot of things, too. Sun in the sky, and the heat.All that sand out there with the rivers, lakes, that aren't real at all.And sometimes you think that the wind gets in the wires and hums and listens and talks.”
A9:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Griefbringer song?
Griefbringer:The “life is beautiful” matter because is a lie
A10:How is Griefbringer different from your previous bands?
Griefbringer:Well, it’s all very different: first in the musical approach and in the concept of the length of the songs, second because here we can unleash and the darkness and torment that we have.Only Monumentum have similar musical points with Griefbringer but are different ways to intend the doom
A11:Why do you say your songs are bloody ballads?
Griefbringer:They’re slow and about love, just like ballads. But covered in blood. Love is everywhere, in different ways.
A12:How band arrive to Church of Crow Records?
Griefbringer:Valerio, the label owner, worked with Hell Obelisco in the past as tour agency and we were very satisfied. He’s also a cool person,he had a label but strictly concerned into black metal, so when he decided to open another one focused on doom and sludge, he asked us to be the first band to sign and we accepted with a big enthusiasm
A13:This album is conceptual?
Griefbringer:Not really, but the next will be
A14:What does the band mean to wither to treat on this album?
Griefbringer:The flames of hellfire and the global warming will lead us to a horrid wilting. Ice will melt then will dry.
A15:Who are these twilight gods addressed in this album?
Griefbringer:The gods that usually arrive before going to sleep: anguish, sadness, fear.
A16:It's not that I don't like the band having an aura with grief. But was that due to personal experience?
Griefbringer:Life itself is a grief, a long and unstoppable grief. For some people is eternal, for other ‘s less, someone hide this grief with the work, with sex, with booze and drugs: we release this grief through music. our music is dedicated to all this people.
A17:Even angels have wicked plans?
Griefbringer:Angels do not exist.