Well,friends of Aristocracy!
Line Up:
Lineup: L(Vocals)
Vulak (Guitars),
Iblis A.G (Bass guitar)
Osten (Synth)
David Folchitto{Drums}

Let's start now and in all your emotions, the interview 111 of the Aristocracy. This time, we present the Italian Black Metal band Orgg.They speak brutally, intensely and absolutely, topics about the First World War. They showed their work through the Metal Aristocracy Page. This page is Italian and inspired our page.Inspirations aside, they present the second album titled Dimonios.Vamos a essa chat. In addition to a thank you to the band, the Italian page and the fact that they managed to do this work quickly. The Interview and their songs, of course.Vulak answer our questions now!
A1:Talking about the composition work in Dimonios?
Vulak:Dimonios was composed during a period of a couple years. Some of it was written even before The Great White War was released. The compositions were mainly developed by me (Vulak) and Osten (Synths), but during the recording all of the band had the chance to leave a trace in songwriting. Our composition work usually starts with guitars and evolves from there. All tracks were initially written with programmed drums then David Folchitto recorded his takes and was given total freedom. His drumming work really enhanced the album.
A2:Why this album don´t celebrating the war?
Vulak:Orgg is a concept band. While the main topic is first world war events, the point of view is not the grandeur of war or heroes: it’s the natural scenario. The alpine majestic lands desecrated by the human struggle. We never exalt war or fights. We use that as a counterpoint to highlight how foolish some actions were, despite being ridden in courage.
A3:Why the frist world war influence the band?
Vulak:The first world war was fought with tactics and weapons of the previous century, while moving fast towards the modern era. It was a world changing event. The slice of it we take as an influence took place in the Dolomites mountains, in northern Italy. It’s a majestic scenario that inspires by itself, and the contrast with the harsh events that took place there was the combination that pushed us to dedicate the whole band to this.
A4:What testament band want in this last song?
Vulak:Closing the album, A Testament is the final salute of a soldier leaving for war, knowing the chances of returning to his loved ones were scarce.
A5:What band mean with White War?
Vulak:The White War (Gebirgskrieg in german, Guerra bianca in italian) is the common name used to refer to part of the first world war, specifically the battles that took place on the italian/austrohungarian front. This part of the war was held on high mountains, in snow, ice and rock fields. Hence it was named “white war”.
A6:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Vulak:The band gets its inspiration from true events, but also from local alpine folklore. There’s no specific literature besides history books for the true event part. For the alpine folklore, it’s mainly ancient stories that have been passed from parents to children for generations.
A7:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Vulak:The artwork of Dimonios is a brother of the painting of the first album The Great White War. The focus is on the scenery, mountains, and ice fields. The big theatre where all these war events took place.
A8:Why the year 1917 is special for the band?
Vulak:The White War took place during 1915-1918. Il 1917 is “L’ann de la fam”, or the year of famine. The year of the retreat of the italian army, after Caporetto defeat, leaving the local population prey of the enemy armies.
A9:Attention, look at this sentence! It is clear that evil exists, but what we must question is whether there is good?
Vulak:Is there? These are human concepts, and as such these are only relevant from a human point of view. When we try to abstract, and resize the importance of humans in this universe to what it actually is, good and evil just lose any meaning. As we’re part of a whole that’s neither good nor evil, we just are there for a tiny fraction of the time of existence.
A10:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Orgg song?
Vulak:Anything that puts war and human acts that is not in our nature-first perspective. Patriotism, hero and military exaltation or taking sides with any of the fighting parts: this is out of our scope. Also there’s not any religious reference, we just don’t care.
A11:Why the band have this name?
Vulak:Orgg means Ogre in the local “Ladin” tongue. It’s a magical creature of the alpine folklore,and we took that as the band’s name.
A12:What´s bands influence Orgg?
Vulak:Probably most of the influence comes from major second wave of black metal bands such as Darkthrone and Immortal. Dawn is a major inspiration for us. Also the 90s death metal scene was a great inspiration, bands such as Amorphis, Desultory, Entombed, Dark Tranquillity.
A13:This album is conceptual?
Vulak:Not only is it conceptual as an album: the whole band is based on the concept, and will thoroughly follow it. The name of the album comes from an italian unit entirely formed by Sardinian men (Brigata Sassari) called “The Red Devils - Die Rote Teufel” hence “Dimonios” and renowned for its endeavors during the war.
A14:What is Aurona?
Vulak:It’s an alpine legend. Under the mountain, through a massive golden door, you entered the mythical Kingdom of Aurona. The inhabitants lived in the heart of the Mountain, giving up the sun and the open air, to continue the search for gold and precious stones, hidden among the cold rocks. The inhabitants thus gave life to a very rich mine inside the mountain! It is said that the black rocks of the Padon chain are so dark because they are blackened by the fumes of the Fornace dell 'Aurona, where precious metals were melted. So much has been sought for the gateway to the Kingdom.but now everything remains buried in the belly of the Mountain. By heart, however, there remains the "ru d’Aurona" torrent that, even today, descends from Padon to Arabba.
A15:I know the conflict and deaths existed, but what were the events besides the deaths that inspired this band's work?
Vulak:Lots of events, not only deaths. For example, Die Eisstad was released as the first single of the album and narrates the events of a military citadel built in the depth of a glacier in Italy by austro-hungarian forces.
A16:The band feel differences between The Great White War and Dimonios?
Vulak:Dimonios follows The Great White War, it expands it with an even better production, more aggressive sounds, a general rawer but controlled feel. I think it’s a natural successor of TGGW. The concept is the same, and the band stays true to it!
A17:Who is Tanna?
Vulak:Tanna is an alpine legend. Tanna is the lady of the Marmaròle a group of mountains in the north of Italy and Queen of the Crodères, human-like creatures living amongst the high peaks and whose power is to control the mountains, following the orders of their Queen. The Crodères however are unable to feel empathy to human fate and suffering, they’re indifferent as Nature itself. On the contrary, Tanna, long time ago, had a loving heart, and mingled with humans, going as far as bearing the child of a prince and renounce to her blue crown, granting her powers over the mountains to dedicate her life to raise him after the prince left them.Salvanèl, the human child, tired to be alone with his mother, traveled the world, met and fought against his lost father, later fell in love with a duchess with whom he fled against the will of her father. In this escape they tried to find repair in the mountains, going back to his mother, Tanna, however in the pursuit Salvanèl fell into a crevasse. His body was later found by some shepards who informed Tanna and Marcòra who managed to reach Tanna and in the meanwhile lived with her) who immediately died of a broken heart. After losing, everything, Tanna returned to the role she was destined for, the Queen of the Crodères. She lives in an ice palace, in a throne between two golden coffins of the two young lovers with heart cold as a stone, she became as indifferent as her servants and made life on the mountains incredibly hard for humans, with storms, snow, floods, ect. However, one day a year her old sorrow and empathy come back, and she concedes a “day of calm”, where mountains are silent and humans can live peacefully without a worry.The song is about the WWI soldiers fighting in the White War, chanting this old story in a cold night and praying to Tanna to grant them a “day of calm”.
A18:{Question Outside the Initial Schedule, but we will post it anyway!}Interestingly, the band has a picture of three people. But, you are five. Don't you have a full picture of my dear band Orgg?
Vulak:The core of the band was built on 3 people (Vulak, Iblis and L.). Osten joined later, and David Folchitto recorded drums on Dimonios. We will update band pictures one day, but it just has not been the priority until now!