Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!
Line UP:
Óscar G Comendador:Guitar
Antonio Alonso Toño:Vocalist
Jorge Azofra:Drummer
Johnny Molina:Bassist

We speak again of our newsroom, where we will begin in all your emotions, the fourteenth interview of the Aristocracy.This time, we speak with the Spanish people from Lethargic. Woodo Tumba is the second work and Oscar gave us this supreme interview about his work.
Songs were posted and we thank the band and the American site Metal Bite.Excelente band,Excellent Oscar and excellent work!Let's go now!
A1:Let´s talking about the composition work in Woodoo Tumba?
Oscar:Well, first I (Óscar) make the music in my studio, and then the vocals and Lyrics (Toño) do the rest. There is an important balance into music and lyrics that finally made that sinister feeling.For this second album, i had 2 songs composed but the other ones comes to inspiration when Toño gives me some ideas about the title and the lyrics.Musically all starts with some riff and then the tempo comes to mind, then we like to make some interesting changes all around, this time we dont need to include too much solos but yes a lot of arrangements in guitars.
A2:What powerful associations are worked on in this album?
Oscar:Sorry cant understand well the question…If you refered into music style, we tried to have a balance into speed and slow, dark and more light passages, always in a bizarre tone...
A3:Not that I don't like the band's instrumental songs, but why give them a theatrical tone?
Oscar:And why not, we always liked intros and that stuff...that theatrical and sinister interludes like King Diamond style.It gives more intenstity and personality to the complete work.
The psychoponies were a Toño Idea and it link perfectly one each others, maybe some dark humour are behind them.
A4:At some point, do new strands of classic doom like Stoner and Sludge appear in your sound?
Oscar:No, we dont usually hear bands like that, not we dont like, but we stand in old school vibes. Cathedral maybe the nearest inspiration thinking in that kind of bands.
A5:Vocal variation is something that I think is important in bands of your style. But, does it happen according to the songs made or is it from work to work?
Oscar:Well, Toño get free fellings to work in all vocal styles of the album. When we went to record he has all ready and studied, so it was easy to made. We all love his work in the album..Bizarre and creepy, with different vocal registers...He has many ways to act with his voice, perfect for Lethargic.
A6:I'm using the band's name as the subject of this question. Does Salamanca live in a lethargy?
Oscar:Well i dont live in Salamanca since 7 years, only the drummer (Jorge Azofra) and bassist (Johhny Molina) does.But really too many things changed everywhere not only in extreme music scene.
A7:What´s bands influence Lethargic?
Oscar:We are inspired by everything we can transform to our music ideas. Of course the old school bands are the start, Entombed, Dismember, Asphyx, Death...millions more, but all comes from Black Sabbath to now.Even John Carpenter OSTs influenced some track of the album...
A8:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Oscar:Of course we have an important inspiration in literature and cinema...Lovecraft, King, old gothic and terror movies and everything that gives some bizarre and dark feeling to our music.About lyrics, Toño has his personal influences, he is writer too...
A9:How band arrive to Vrykoblast Productions?
Oscar:It was easy, we contact via facebook, send our material to them and the fastly they feel interested by the band. After that was very easy to work with them, the did a great job and now are promoting the album very well...they even gives us the art cover.
A10:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Oscar:As i said Vrykoblast show us a few covers and tell us to choose, we instantly get this one because is a great piece of art and shows our idea about our doom and death proposal.
A11:Since the band likes concept stories, this rephrases the following question. Can we say that Woodoo Tumba is the finalization of the Chapter Soil story told by the band?
Oscar:Lyricaly ,Woodoo Tumba has no connection with Chapter Soil, in the first album i made the lyrics about a conceptual story mixing some elements. Now toño gives his prisma to the album.
A12:It's two questions in one! Are you religious? Regardless if the answer is no or yes, how and why did Woodoo get into the topic of your work?
Oscar:There is no need to be religious for talk about religion, its an interest theme to talk about.Religions made people enslaved in all history. Toño cames with woodoo idea and we learned some about it. Its creepy and gets the music into an all in this record
A13:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Lethargic song?
Oscar:I dont know, we study the dark side of humanity, so maybe all the opposite to that.
A14:How is Lethargic different from previous or other projects ?
Oscar:Well with Mind Holocaust we were nearest to American Death metal and brutal stuff like Suffocation, Deicide...too much double bass pedal, this time we are more in Swedish and Finland old vibes, less blastbeats and more atmospheric style, but with powerful angry.
A15:Due to the current technocracy, answering with your words, do we live in the most deceitful time of humanity if we compare it to the time of our parents?
Oscar:All ages in history had his decadent moments. Now we live in a strange universe with social media and all the changes in music industry...End of all is nearest.
A16:What would 2022 Lethargic say to 2016 Lethargic?
Oscar:Lets make a new album! And...nobody is prophet in his Land!