Well,Friends of Aristocracy!
Line UP:
Elusive T. - guitars, vocals
Elusive R. - bass
Elusive H. - drums

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have, in all its emotions, the hundred-ninth interview of the Aristocracy.This time, we speak with the Doom Metal band Elusive God. This band has other influences, the classic metal bands and their natural style. A band that is starting its life in music, showing its debut album entitled Trapped in a Future Unknown. The only thing we didn't say, but we will say now is that they are from Croatia. Let's go straight to this chat, because we already made the line up and put the complete album.
A1:Let´s talking about the composition work in Trapped in a Future Unknown?
Elusive God:Composing new songs is always a challenge and a pleasure. Also, it's easy when you're bursting with creativity and ideas. You never know where the process will take you, but still you enjoy every part of it. We're really satisfied with how the songs turned out at the end.
A2:When a situation is extreme, in my country we say that we are on a razor's edge. I felt exactly that when listening to the band. Expressions from my country aside, was that the objective? Elusive God:Not really. It's great when our music makes people feel something, but we simply don't compose with other people's reactions in mind. Once the album is done and songs are available for listening, each and every fan that is moved by our creation in a way becomes a co-creator of our artistic expression. That's the beauty of if and we can't and won't interfere with that. We know what our goal was - to express ourselves and to present our vision of doom metal while making music that we would originally like to listen to as fans. A3:As band said at your bandcamp, the traditional Croatian song Vuprem oči" inspired one of your songs. We would like to know why this song is traditional and why was it inspiring for the band? Elusive God:Vuprem Oči" is a traditional song from Međimurje in northern part of Croatia. The melody in the song is so haunting, melancholic and beautiful at the same time and it somehow spontaneously ended up in the song. On the other hand, we are inspired by melodies from the North of Croatia because they carry a special sort of melancholy and atmosphere that cannot be heard anywhere else. A4:A fan of the band saw your sound as slightly theatrical. Do you agree with the fan, do you disagree and justify your answer,please? Elusive God:We should thank this fan, because this statement certainly is a compliment considering the fact that we're playing doom metal. It's hard to say if we agree or not - it's up to the fans to have their opinions and feelings regarding our music. A5:Human beings have weaknesses. What weaknesses inspired the album? Elusive God:None. Whatever is a source of inspiration cannot be considered as a weakness. If you manage to transform your weakness into something creative then you have conquered it so it's not a weakness anymore. A6:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album? Elusive God:The idea was to "invite" the listener or the viewer of the artwork to step into the unknown and explore what's behind the eerie red light. Nobody knows what is behind the door in the front cover which is a symbolic depiction of the unknown future. A7:What kind of atmospheric band want in this album? Elusive God:It depends. Sometimes it is grandiose and epic, and sometimes it's evil and rotten. Sometimes it's simply soothing and beautiful. The important thing is to have an atmosphere that is characteristic for Elusive God and our sound.
A8:Some literature or film inspire the band? Elusive God:No, not really. Maybe subconsciously, but we're certainly not aware of that. 9:The band's style of metal is Doom, but you are inspired by classic metal bands.How is this handled by the band? Elusive God:We are all devoted fans of traditional metal and this can only have a positive outcome for the band. In order to create good METAL music, you must be a fan of good METAL music. We are inspired both with traditional metal bands and classic doom metal bands. A10:Doom nowadays can also be divided into Stoner and Sludge. Do you like these styles and use these divisions in the band's sound? Elusive God:It's sometimes hard to keep track of all the genres. One thing is certain, we all drink from the same Black Sabbath fountain. However, our music is not related to Stoner or Sludge. A11:Besides being the name of the band, is there a reason why the word Elusive is so strong for you? Elusive God:Yes and no. This word can have multiple meanings, but basically it represents something that is difficult to catch or achieve. Everything related to music and art is elusive in one way or another. A12:The strength of the name Elusive is so strong that even the members are called that, so to speak. Is it the strength of the word or the band's proposal? Elusive God:It's both. We are Elusive God and our identities are hidden. Therefore, band members are also Elusive in some way. A13:How band arrive to Rafchild Records? Elusive God:We sent them our material and simply they were interested in working with us. Raf is a great guy and devoted metal fan. He promoted us really well, so we are glad to be a part of Rafchild Records roster. A14:What were the bands or people besides yourself that most inspired Elusive God to exist? Elusive God:Candlemass because they're epic doom metal kings.Dread Sovereign because of their raw energy and "We don't give a fuck" attitude.The Devil's Blood because of unique guitar playing and out-of-this world atmosphere.The Skull because of the song "For those which are asleep", this song had a huge impact. Other than that, pretty much everything we listened to affected us in some way. 15-What Elusive God 2022 say for Elusive God 2020? Elusive God:Wow, these guys know how to play DOOM :) That's what we would say :) Seriously, we really like the music that we've made. I think it's really important for the band to really like their own music. If a band doesn't like their own music, how could they expect somebody else will? 16-Are "The Darkest Flame and "Trapped in a Future Unknown different or complementary?
Elusive God:They are different, but still you can hear that it is the same band.The Darkest Flame is much darker and traditional doom influenced. Trapped in a Future Unknown is more varied, epic and inspired with traditional metal and traditional Croatian melodies. Let us know if you need anything else! \m/ EG!